At NCC our core beliefs begin with acknowledging that God made the earth and gave it to man to steward.
Man initially walked in harmony with God, but was tempted and sinned, resulting in separation from God. This set in motion the plan to bring Jesus to earth as the only begotten son of God and redeemer of humanity.
Anyone accepting the price Jesus paid for them will be restored to a relationship with God. We are redeemed from the curse of the law; spiritual death, sickness and poverty.
The reality of restored relationship was accomplished by Jesus, as God, coming in the flesh to identify with man, bear our sin and die. Because He had no sin of His own, He, (and us in Him) were raised up and seated together at God’s right hand.
JOHN 3:16-17 1 PETER 2:4 ROMANS 5:8 1 TIMOTHY 2:5 PHILIPPIANS 2:6-8
After Jesus’s resurrection, He sent the Holy Spirit to live in and help man. When we accept and believe what Jesus did for us God’s Spirit enters our human spirit and we are born again.
MARK 1:8 LUKE 11:13 1 JOHN 4:13
We enjoy the experience of speaking with tongues as God’s Spirit gives utterance to do so.
We fully embrace God’s desire to help our shortcoming with miracles, signs, and wonders. Active pursuit of healing in all its manifestations is encouraged. The work of God’s Spirit is sought for and appreciated.
We believe and know there is the blessed hope of Jesus’s return with new heavens and a new earth. We are engaged here and now with His kingdom coming and His will being done on earth as it is in heaven.
MATTHEW 6:10; 33 LUKE 12:32 JOHN 3:31 REVELATION 21:1-8
Consequently, our natural life on earth is being influenced and assisted by the heavenly kingdom, which we happily claim as our home.